Satisfied Customers

Dan and Sherri

  Thank you for all the very cleaver things you have put in our web-site, and for submitting our stuff to all the search engines.  The little touches you put on the reps and good old Uncle Harry are really clever and nice.  And so is the butterfly in front of the  favorites.  Where do you come up with these things and ideas?   This thing has far surpassed our greatest expectations.  So far we have received some very favorable feedback, comments and downright strong complements for our site - and we know that you and Sherri have to shoulder most of the blame....  I mean, after all, it is all your fault ....  I mean it serves you right....  Oh - you know what I mean.  I just can't quite put it into the right words.  We tell them that two very creative people way back in Pennsylvania did for us, and they're very impressed.  People tell us they really like looking through our site.  The ball writer is a real hit.

            Cy - Badger Photography


You guys are the BEST!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          thank you,  Brian - Picture Perfect Productions




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   754 North Main Coudersport,  Pa. 16915
Phone Number 814-274-7439